Me pehea te Whakapa atu ki te Tautoko BitMart
Kōrerorero Ipurangi BitMart
Ko tetahi o nga huarahi tino watea ki te whakapiri atu ki te kaihokohoko BitMart ko te whakamahi i te korerorero ipurangi me te tautoko 24/7 e taea ai e koe te whakatau i tetahi take tere rawa atu. Ko te painga nui o te korerorero ko te tere o te tuku urupare a BitMart ki a koe.
1. Patohia te [Awhina] kei raro o te kokonga matau
2. Patohia te [Korerorero Ora]
3. Whakauruhia to ingoa , imeera , me to karere ; Na ka pawhiria [Tīmata Kōrerorero]
Pokapū Awhina BitMart
Pokapū awhina: Patohia te [Pokapu Awhina] kei raro o te wharangi kainga.
2. Patohia te [Tuku tono]
3. Whakauruhia te wharangi tono Tukuna; katahi ka pawhiria [Tuku]
He awhina a BitMart ma te imeera
Ko tetahi atu huarahi ki te whakapā atu ki te tautoko ma te ī-mēra. Na ka taea e koe te tuku imeera ki [email protected] . Ka tino tūtohu matou ki te whakamahi i to imeera rehitatanga. Ko taku tikanga he imeera i whakamahia e koe mo te rehitatanga i runga i te BitMart. Ma tenei ka taea e BitMart te kimi i to putea hokohoko ma te imeera i whakamahia e koe.Whakapa atu ki a BitMart ma nga whatunga hapori
Ko tetahi atu huarahi ki te whakapā atu ki te tautoko a BitMart ko Social Media. Na mena kei a koe
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